Diets, health tips and information: Oct 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Acai, A Great Fruit To Help With Weight Loss!

Acai Berry needs no introduction. The weight loss benefits have been unparalleled and it seems finally we have a product which naturally burns excess calories. Following are the ways in which this wonder fruit leads to fat loss:

o Regulates Metabolism - The berry causes the calorie consumption rate to naturally go up. A person consumes more calories even while sleeping. These extra calories consumed leads to sustained weight loss. Since the calories lost is excess fat burnt and not water loss. The lost weight does not come back easily. But it is very important that a healthy diet is maintained.

o Suppresses Hunger - A lot of weight gained is due to the 'binge eating'. Acai provides natural energy to the body hence there is no craving for salty and sugary foods. These excess calories are avoided and there is no weight gain.

o Boosts Energy- The body is not starved during the Acai diet and the energy levels remain up.
The Acai berry diet works best if it's combined with natural colon cleansing foods. These are foods which are rich in fiber such as fruits, nuts and cereals. Flax seed is another excellent source of fiber and can help in colon cleansing. The foods assist the body to shed excess pounds in following way

o Helps drain harmful toxins from the body.
o Remove sludge from the stomach, this alone could knock off couple of inches from the stomach area.
o Improves food digestion immensely. This leads to better energy absorption and overall well being.
o Helps reduce blood pressure and regulate cholesterol levels

Now another important property of Acai Berry  is that they retain their weight loss benefits when preserved. Thus leading to very effective weight loss supplement. Weight loss supplements are designed to work with the dieting process to help improve vitamin and mineral levels that may be missing in the diet.

The best fruit in the world!

The new year brings new hope and new resolution. This year if you are hoping to change your life a bit then here in this article I will introduce you to something that has worked for me. This special thing has brought a pleasant change in my life. And actually, the changes I made were not hard to implement. This miracle is Acai juice. It has proved to be helpful in bringing a great change in me. It has transformed me beautifully and presented me with a slender figure.
Nowadays middle aged people are normally diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes has become a very common disease that may even occur in children. Even I was very close to being considered diabetic. I had high cholesterol and even my triglycerides were very high. I was also overweight and tried hard to shed the excess fat from my body. But everytime I check my weight, the results were the same. Finally the doctor prescribed me Lipitor and Metformin. I was worried about my future and my health and was desperately trying everything that was advised to me by friends, family and even my gym instructor.
During one summer day while I was browsing the internet, I saw advertisements and video clips of a famous daytime television talk show host publicizing the Acai berry. I saw the great difference in this tv host and searched for the products of Acai berry. I did thorough research on the products and found that Acai juice is the best Acai berry product that has all the nutrients that are present in Acai berry. The articles on Acai also claimed that the Acai berry prevents and cure diabetes, cancer and heart related diseases. I bought a bottle of Acai juice from the nearby health food store. The taste of the Acai juice was unique, so I thought of giving it a try.
I drank Acai berry juice regularly for 6 months and was able to see the changes and increase in stamina and energy level. The changes were slow but I felt the increase in stamina right away. Several health related problems that I was facing for years were not bothering me anymore. Along with the intake of Acai juice I took up light exercises so that I could lose some weight. In few weeks I started losing some weight.
Acai berry provides you stamina and energy to perform your daily work energetically. I experience everything that was positive. I lost a lot of weight, my cholesterol level is perfectly normal and the best part is that I no longer have diabetes to worry for. I now feel 10 years younger. After experimenting with Acai juice I am now confident about its benefits and advantages. Bring Acai juice into your home and see the difference in you and your health in just 6 months without changing your way of living. A little exercise and Acai berry can benefit you in every way possible.
It is a well known fact that acai juice and acai products are beneficial to your health. Improving energy, boosting metabloism, helping with weight loss and stabilizing your cholesterol levels are just a few of the benefits of consuming acai juice or acai products on a daily basis. Your health can benefit from acai juice too. Simply log on to and get your pure organic acai juice. It is simple to do. You can order online and have your products sent right to your home. Don't wait. Start getting healthier today!
The new year brings new hope and new resolution. This year if you are hoping to change your life a bit then here in this article I will introduce you to something that has worked for me. This special thing has brought a pleasant change in my life. And actually, the changes I made were not hard to implement. This miracle is Acai juice. It has proved to be helpful in bringing a great change in me. It has transformed me beautifully and presented me with a slender figure.
Nowadays middle aged people are normally diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes has become a very common disease that may even occur in children. Even I was very close to being considered diabetic. I had high cholesterol and even my triglycerides were very high. I was also overweight and tried hard to shed the excess fat from my body. But everytime I check my weight, the results were the same. Finally the doctor prescribed me Lipitor and Metformin. I was worried about my future and my health and was desperately trying everything that was advised to me by friends, family and even my gym instructor.
During one summer day while I was browsing the internet, I saw advertisements and video clips of a famous daytime television talk show host publicizing the Acai berry. I saw the great difference in this tv host and searched for the products of Acai berry. I did thorough research on the products and found that Acai juice is the best Acai berry product that has all the nutrients that are present in Acai berry. The articles on Acai also claimed that the Acai berry prevents and cure diabetes, cancer and heart related diseases. I bought a bottle of Acai juice from the nearby health food store. The taste of the Acai juice was unique, so I thought of giving it a try.
I drank Acai berry juice regularly for 6 months and was able to see the changes and increase in stamina and energy level. The changes were slow but I felt the increase in stamina right away. Several health related problems that I was facing for years were not bothering me anymore. Along with the intake of Acai juice I took up light exercises so that I could lose some weight. In few weeks I started losing some weight.
Acai berry provides you stamina and energy to perform your daily work energetically. I experience everything that was positive. I lost a lot of weight, my cholesterol level is perfectly normal and the best part is that I no longer have diabetes to worry for. I now feel 10 years younger. After experimenting with Acai juice I am now confident about its benefits and advantages. Bring Acai juice into your home and see the difference in you and your health in just 6 months without changing your way of living. A little exercise and Acai berry can benefit you in every way possible.
It is a well known fact that acai products are beneficial to your health. Improving energy, boosting metabloism, helping with weight loss and stabilizing your cholesterol levels are just a few of the benefits of consuming acai juice or acai products on a daily basis. Your health can benefit from acai juice too. Try it for yourself and you will see the benefits also.