Diets, health tips and information: How to burn calories fast!

Friday, November 12, 2010

How to burn calories fast!

When I first started my weight loss journey, I was at 260 pounds. It has been a difficult one, but I have learned a lot, especially about how exercise fits into the picture. As I've learned more, the journey has gotten a little easier, though I think the sixty pounds already gone may have something to do with it.

I am exercise challenged. I was even more so at the beginning. As a writer, I spend hours at a computer, and the waist line could prove it. With the addition of an injured back and knee, it's even worse. However, I can and have gotten around all of them thus far. Here is some of what I've learned.

Aquatic Benefits: The local pool may be your best friend in this arena, especially if you are exercise challenged by injuries or other health problems. It is no impact, so the knees, hips and back are protected from injury. The water provides resistance, thus making each workout do more for you...and for the rest of the day. Swimming is good, but so is walking or running in the water.

Gym Memberships: You don't have to join a gym, but when the weather gets bad, you may wish for one. Gyms also offer personal trainers to make sure you don't injure yourself and to help you learn new routines that make the process more interesting. Boredom kills a lot of plans.

Hiking and Backpacking: Before the injuries, I spent a lot of time on the local hiking trails. Hiking and backpacking burn more calories than most other exercises. Backpacking can burn 6000 a day. Unfortunately, it also means you're out in the wilderness and not employed, which makes it more difficult. Instead, I would sometimes carry a daypack to increase the calories burned.

Home Workouts: Most of us can't afford to buy a lot of equipment, nor do we have the room for them. However, choosing a treadmill, stationary bike or other equipment could help you keep exercising even when the weather doesn't allow outdoor activities. If it's in front of a tv set, so much the better. Time goes by faster when you are engrossed in a movie.

Personal Trainer: Not everyone needs a personal trainer, but there are times when it may be worth the funding to work with one. Two of the most common are unfamiliarity with the equipment and when you're recovering from an injury. Sometimes little changes in your routine can help you recover faster and still burn calories.

Weights First: One key to higher calorie burning during a routine is to do either resistance or weight training before doing cardio. This can help your body burn fat rather than sugar.

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